Monday, May 21, 2007

Improve your health and fitness with just 10 minutes a day!

If you are obese or overweight and don’t exercise, this could be the news to give you hope!

A recent study published in the latest JAMA (listed below) indicates that obese women who do no exercise at all can improve their fitness levels by just 10 minutes a day.

Researchers studied over 400 post-menopausal women who had borderline high blood pressure for six months. The women were put in one of four groups: A control group who did no exercise, and then three groups who exercised 50%, 100%, and 150% of the CDC and NIH recommendations. This equals 75 minutes per week (10 minutes per day), 135 minutes per week (20 minutes per day) or 190 minutes per week 30 minutes per day), respectively.

The results showed no improvement in blood pressure or loss of weight, but DID show a decrease in waist measurement and improvement in respiratory fitness level. Imagine this improvement with just 10 minutes a day!

Although the women in the study either walked on treadmills or rode stationary bikes, any comparable activity would produce the same results. This could include work around the house, such as yard work, swimming, playing in the park with grandchildren or pets, or even brisk walking.

So what does this mean to you? Some people feel it’s hopeless to even attempt to do any type of exercise because the prospect of trying to lose weight is overwhelming. But what if you started to get out walking for just 10 minutes a day just to feel better?

The next question is how can you get yourself motivated and outside to actually walk or do some type of physical exertion each day? Look at your day and determine what you would want to do, first, and then decide if you need someone to keep you motivated. Maybe a friend or neighbor to exercise with. Maybe a spouse or family member. Or perhaps even a coach or mentor, someone to just make you accountable! Granted, you have to WANT to do something, but if the reason you haven’t earlier is because you have just focused on doing it for weight loss, why not change the reason and make health and feeling better the goal! That just may be the key.

To read the abstract of the study, click this link:


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