Tuesday, December 04, 2007

What science is saying today about the Atkins Diet

It’s no surprise to me that today the long-term research being done on the high-fat, high animal protein diets that people were religiously following several years ago is now showing a negative impact on health.

For anyone who follows health research, it is obvious that the key to a chance at a healthier life is to follow a diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean choices of proteins, along with plant-based fats and oils. The research in the past has also consistently shown the health risks with eating high amounts of animal fats and proteins.

However, when the Atkins diet made its way back into the mainstream, because America is getting fatter and fatter, interesting research by various organizations who could benefit from such positive research, was showing up, showing the obvious SHORT-TERM benefits of going on this diet. Well, these short-term benefits will show up with ANY change in diet that results in weight loss. And, it’s no surprise that if a person were to cut down most of the foods that hold water (fruits) and increase their protein intake, that actually pulls water from our system, they will lose weight. A diet high in protein will also keep you feeling fuller longer. And, a diet high in fat will also keep you feeling satisfied longer.

There are people who just naturally feel better eating a diet high in protein. I am married to one of those people; he doesn’t diet, but his preference will always be a big, juicy steak! I, on the other hand, can probably stomach one once every 6 months, and if I didn’t eat meat more than that often, I’d be just fine. Maybe it’s my education from a University that was vegetarian and the influence of reading all that literature on the results of eating animal products. I will never forget the research that has shown what happens to our gastrointestinal tracts when it’s exposed to a lot of beef products. Yikes! Maybe it’s my exposure to functional nutrition, where I have learned that the substances (amino acids, etc) in beef and dairy products increase inflammation. Maybe it’s the fact that after eating beef, I don’t feel good, too!

So, I have noticed that lately more and more research is now showing the long-term effects that these high fat, high protein diets are having on the human body. The latest study, listed below, shows that following a diet high in fat increased the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol in the blood. Again, this is no surprise, as there is plenty of earlier research supporting the theory that a diet high in animal fats/saturated fat will increase LDL and total cholesterol levels in the blood.

So what it the take-home message? I can’t change someone’s mind if they believe in the high fat, high protein diets. However, if you’re still wondering what you really should be doing to lose weight, probably the best source to send you to is to the National Weight Control Registry to read how real people have lost real amounts of weight and managed to keep it off. It really is a matter of cutting down the fat, decreasing the calories, eating lots of fruits and veggies and whole grains, and getting regular, consistent exercise! One day maybe there will be a magic formula, as Dr. Atkins promised, but his promise isn’t the solution.

To read the latest research comparing three diets, click here:

To visit the National Weight Control Registry, click here:

To read about high protein diets, click here:


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