Monday, February 27, 2006

Calcium and the Risk of Fractures

In a recent New England Journal of Medicine, the results of another off-shoot study from the Women’s Health Initiative was reported. Although the media reported that it showed that calcium supplements do help with bone fractures, the actual result of the study showed a slight increase in bone density with the women who took the supplements, but that they could not conclude that there was a decreased risk of fractures with this group. The bottom line, though, is to continue your supplements AND add exercise to your daily activities.
To read an abstract of the study, click here:

Listen here.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Lessons on Fitness from Olympic Athletes

As we are in the middle of the world Winter Olympics, watching world-class athletes challenge themselves to the ultimate, I realized we all can learn lessons from their achievements.

For the official website for the Olympics, click here:

Listen here.

Monday, February 13, 2006

High Cholesterol may raise blood pressure

Researchers are looking at a possible link between high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure. As many as 90% of US adults will develop high blood pressure (HTN) in their lifetime, and the American Heart Association says that nearly 107 million American adults have total blood cholesterol levels above 200. This does not paint a pretty picture. Both of these conditions are risk factors for heart disease and death.

Listen to what the latest research says about the link between the two and hear tips on what you can do, today, to lower your risk of either or both of these conditions.

For more information on the Physicians Health Study and a free newsletter, click

Listen here.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Antioxidants and health

Foods labeled as antioxidant-rich — everything from bottled tea to bags of frozen berries — have become a $526 million industry that continues to grow. But are these enriched foods really the answer to eternal health and youth? Can taking antioxidant supplements replace a diet high in saturated fats and excess calories? Listen for more on how to ensure a healthy life, long into your ‘senior’ years.

Listen here.